John L. Arrighi
Marine Detachment, USS ASTORIA 1944-1945
7th Division (USMC)

USS ASTORIA Marine John Arrighi outside Reading Terminal train and bus station in Philadelphia, PA circa May 1944. While ASTORIA was undergoing final preparations for commissioning, the ship's Marine detachment mustered aboard following sea school.
-courtesy of David Arrighi
John Arrighi served aboard USS ASTORIA CL-90 from her shakedown cruise through the end of the war. His Pacific service included the liberation of the Philippines, Iwo Jima and Okinawa operations. Having joined the Marines at the age of 34, he was one of the "old guys" on the ship.

Arrighi ashore at the fleet recreation area in San Pedro Bay, Leyte, Philippine Islands circa June 1945.
-courtesy of David Arrighi

John Arrighi surrounded by ASTORIA sailors in a U.S. Navy public relations photograph taken aboard ship on 20 August 1945, five days after Japan surrendered following the two atomic bomb drops.
-Rudy Guttosch photo courtesy of Herman Schnipper

A miniature life ring created aboard USS ASTORIA CL-90. John Arrighi sent this home to his five-year old son David.
-courtesy of David Arrighi

A 20mm round from the AA mounts aboard USS ASTORIA, brought home by John Arrighi. Holes were drilled in the shell casing to remove the gunpowder, rendering the round harmless as a souvenir.
-courtesy of David Arrighi

Arrighi's service ribbons from the end of the war. Left to right are American Theater ribbon, Asiatic-Pacific Theater ribbon with four battle stars, and Philippine Liberation ribbon with one star. Like other ASTORIA shipmates, Arrighi qualified for a fifth battle star and an Occupation Service medal but was unaware of these awards when he left ship.
-courtesy of David Arrighi